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Webinar and Demo

New Scale’s MPM System Pathfinder Software supports integration with trajectory planning and data acquisition apps. Now, you can view physiology and anatomy side by side during probe insertion and neural recording. You can simulate, plan, execute, debug, and repeat experiments with greater ease and accuracy.

Trajectory planning tools, such as Neuropixels Trajectory Explorer (Peters Lab, University of Oxford) and Pinpoint (Virtual Brain Lab), allow the probe locations to be available in a 3D brain model, visualizing the probe as insertions progress. This works in both planning/simulation mode as well as in real-time insertions.

New Scale worked closely with Andrew Peters at the Peters Lab to test the use of Pathfinder software with the open-source Neuropixels Trajectory Explorer.

Watch this on-demand webinar for a 1-hour demonstration, with question and answer session, about using Pathfinder and Neuropixels Trajectory Explorer, hosted by:

  • Ed Friedrich, Life Sciences Business Manager, New Scale Technologies
  • Andrew Peters, Principal Investigator, Peters Lab, University of Oxford Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics

Webinar Topics

  • History of the Multi-Probe Micromanipulator (MPM)
  • Overview of Pathfinder Software
  • Live Demo: Neuropixels Trajectory Explorer (NTE)
    • Selecting target brain regions
    • Planning trajectories
    • Values to import to MPM Pathfinder Software
  • Live Demo: Pathfinder
    • Importing NTE parameters
    • Calibrating via bregma/lambda
    • Linking to NTE – monitor probe positions during live insertions
  • What’s next for NTE?
  • Questions and Answers
    • Insertion of multiple probes simultaneously
    • Atlas integration for other animals, such as rats and zebra finches
    • Integration with data acquisition apps, such as Spike GLX, Open Ephys, and Raidens
    • And other topics…

Special thanks to our Pathfinder collaborators and beta testers!

University of Oxford: Andrew Peters | Allen Institute: Josh Siegle | NeuroNexus: Daryl Kipke, Rio Vetter, Alexis Paez, Asiyeh Golabchi (Radiens Allego integration) | Cambridge NeuroTech: Tahl Holtzman, Jessie Goins | Scripps FL: Gavin Rumbaugh, Thomas Vaissiere, Jessie Goins | UCLA: Ahmet Arac | Janelia: Tim Harris, Bill Karsh, Jennifer Colonell  | UCL/Oxford: Andy Peters | U Wash: Virtual Brain Lab: Nick Steinmetz, Dan Birman, Kenneth Yang | And many more!