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Design World published an excellent overview of piezo-based technologies and their applications (April 2023 issue). But how can system designers get started with using piezoelectric motors? When considering using piezoelectric motors, major challenges include:

1. Mounting the piezoelectric micro motor in such a way that performance is optimized.

2. Creating drive circuitry and integrating it into the system controller – usually with the added requirement to minimize size and power consumption.

New Scale’s M3 Smart Modules address both of these challenges by:

1. Simplifying mounting for the system designer

New Scale integrates its patented piezoelectric micro motors into mechatronic assemblies with precision bearings, slides, or other micro-mechanisms. M3 Smart Modules include linear actuators, rotary microstages, linear microstages including XY and XYZ configurations, focus modules, and custom systems. For the system designer, this removes the problem of mounting the motor properly. The M3 modules are easy to mount in a system.

2. Miniaturizing and integrating the controller into the module

Each module contains an optimized drive circuit and control system fully integrated into the assembly. This removes the need for system designers to develop control circuitry or integrate bulky external controllers. Learn more about designing control circuits for piezoelectric motors.

Compared to piezoelectric motors, M3 Smart Modules – complete closed-loop piezo motion systems – are faster and easier to integrate into OEM systems.

Additionally, New Scale’s patented Squiggle® piezo motors and UTAF piezo motors at the heart of the M3 Smart Modules have lower voltage requirements than other piezo motors. This means that M3 Smart Modules have low power consumption with 3.3V input for battery-powered operation.