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Instrument maker uses M3 motion modules to create new market opportunities

Instrument maker uses M3 motion modules to create new market opportunities

Case study: Piezo focus system enables portable cytometers, expands access to healthcare in resource-limited settings. A customer wanted to create a backpack-portable blood analyzer for use in resource-limited settings that do not have access to institutional laboratory instruments and services. New Scale’s miniature precision focus system helped to make it possible.

Cobra Fiber Positioner in Full-Scale Production

New Scale deploys its manufacturing equipment, process capability and micro-assembly experience to meet the volume, consistency and quality needs of its customers.   In May 2016 New Scale achieved full production capacity — 200 per month — of Cobra fiber...
Cobra – a Two-Degree of Freedom Fiber Optic Positioning Mechanism

Cobra – a Two-Degree of Freedom Fiber Optic Positioning Mechanism

New Scale worked with NASA JPL/Caltech to design and manufacture a fiber optic positioning system using rotary piezoelectric SQUIGGLE micro motors for the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS). The PFS is a fiber fed multi-object spectrometer for the Subaru Telescope that will conduct a variety of targeted surveys for studies of dark energy, galaxy evolution, and galactic archaeology. The key to the instrument is a high density array of fiber positioners placed at the prime focus of the Subaru Telescope. The system, nicknamed the “Cobra” fiber positioner, will be capable of rapidly reconfiguring the array of 2,394 optical fibers to the image positions of astronomical targets in the focal plane with high accuracy.